Saturday, October 2, 2010



High efficiency

Windrotator™, a highly efficient wind energy generator, has been developed to mimick the way sailboats adjust their sail to optimize their speed in line with their angle on the wind.

Similarly, Windrotator™ adjusts the position of its tall vertical rectangular airfoils to optimize the speed at which it rotates and thus generates electricity.

Invented by Dr. Jacques Mettes, Windrotator™ can achieve efficiencies as high as 28.3%. Capacity factors around 60% can be achieved by stacking basic airfoils up to 50-100 m.

Since wind speed increases logarithmically with height, conventional wind turbines aren't very suitable for use in backyards, where height is typically restricted by council regulations.

Because of its low cost and high efficiency, Windrotator™ can generate significant amounts of electricity even at low heights and at low wind velocity, making it very suitable for use in backyards.

Suitable for use in developing nations

The photos on the left show a mechanical prototype that is easy to transport and set up, and can be manufactured from parts that can be easily obtained locally.

Over time, the airfoils can get out of sync with their optimal relative position. As the image below shows, the shaft holding the wheel in place can be shifted slightly to loosen the wheel and allow manual adjustments to be made in order to realign the airfoils optimally.

This low-tech implementation make Windrotator™ especially suitable for use in developing nations. All parts can be manufactured locally from locally available materials.

Further versions

Further Windrotator™ implementations are under development, such as:

- A more sophisticated version features small brushless DC servo motors rotating the vertical airfoils, with sensors in the airfoils calibrating their position to trigger speed adjustments of the motors.

- Windrotator™ can also be deployed on the deck of a boat, generating both kinetic power and electricity to propel the boat, as well as to power on-board equipment.

- Windrotator™ is easily transportable and can be taken along on camping trips. When stored in a battery, the generated electricity is available on demand around the clock.


Interest from investors is welcome. For more details, check out the Windrotator group.

All rights reserved, ©2010 Windrotator™

Patent pending.

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